ESnet Academy Celebrates Graduation of Automotive Students from ELS Programme at SMJK Nan Hwa
ESnet Academy proudly celebrates the graduation of students from our Excellence Learning Skills (ELS) programme, designed specifically for the automotive field. After a year of dedicated learning and hands-on experience, these students have successfully completed the course, marking an important milestone in their journey to becoming skilled professionals in the automotive industry.
The graduation ceremony, held at SMJK Nan Hwa, saw the students showcase the technical skills and knowledge they have gained throughout the programme, as well as their ability to apply these skills in real-world automotive settings. ESnet Academy would like to extend a special thank you to SMJK Nan Hwa for hosting the programme and providing a conducive environment for these students to grow and excel.
The ELS programme focused on practical learning, equipping students with the core skills needed to thrive in the fast-paced and ever-evolving automotive industry. From hands-on technical training to problem-solving and critical thinking, the programme has prepared these graduates to meet the challenges of the automotive world with confidence.
ESnet Academy looks forward to seeing these graduates succeed in their future careers and remains committed to providing innovative training programmes that support the development of highly skilled professionals for the automotive industry.
ESnet Academy 庆祝南华华中汽车专业技术培训班 ELS 学员毕业
ESnet Academy 庆祝参与我们为汽车专业技术培训班(ELS)的学生顺利毕业。经过一年的努力学习和实践培训,这些学生成功完成了该课程,为他们成为汽车行业的专业人士迈出了重要一步。
毕业典礼在 南华华中举行,学员们展示了他们在课程中所获得的技术技能与知识,并展示了如何将这些技能应用于实际的汽车行业环境中。ESnet Academy 衷心感谢 南华华中的热情接待,提供了一个支持学员成长和发展的优秀平台。
本次 ELS 班专注于实践学习,旨在为学生提供在快速发展的汽车行业中取得成功所需的核心技能。从技术操作培训到问题解决和批判性思维的培养,课程让学员们准备好自信应对汽车行业的挑战。
ESnet Academy 期待看到这些毕业生在未来的职业生涯中取得成功,并将继续致力于提供创新的培训课程,培养汽车行业所需的高技能人才。